Sunday, November 22, 2009

I truly felt that I was technology savvy. I feel that I know how to utilize technology and ensure that students are capable of using technology to their fullest to guarantee learning. However, after taking the assessments I realize that there are several areas of weakness that need to be addressed. I especially felt that with my current role as the Lead Counselor I would have shown proficient or expert in the area of communication, however, there are several areas in that domain that show that I am lacking. I really want to make sure that I am communicating with my staff. Also, I realized that I need to learn the various areas of web files, etc. I have no idea how many of them work or why.
I feel that as a school we have some of the best technology and the best software. However, only to some extent is data being gathered to ensure that student learning and engagement is happening. Also, during CWT (Classroom Walk Throughs) it is evident that students are not the ones utilizing the technology. With the exception of technology labeled classes the teachers are the ones using the technology and doing the work. I think that as a campus we need to find ways to help teachers allow students to use the technology we have and to integrate that into their lessons. However, with limited staff development it is hard to help teachers with specific problems that they are encountering. Also, our technology instructor/administrator is only on campus in a limited capacity. We share her with another campus and that again limits the ways in which we can have staff development.

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